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Англо-русский политический словарь - obligation


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1) обязанность

2) обязательство; долг

to accept obligations — принимать на себя обязательства

to act contrary to the imposed obligations — противоречить налагаемым обязательствам

to assume obligations — принимать на себя обязательства

to be guided by the obligations — руководствоваться принятыми на себя обязательствами

to be in breach of one's obligations — нарушать свои обязательства

to be under an obligation — быть связанным обязательством; быть обязанным

to bind smb with an obligation — связывать кого-л. обязательством

to breach one's obligations — нарушать свои обязательства

to cancel an obligation — отменять обязательство

to carry out / to discharge an obligation — выполнять обязательство

to ease smb's obligations — облегчать чьи-л. обязательства

to fulfil an obligation — выполнять обязательство

to have international obligations under the mandate — иметь международные обязательства согласно мандату

to implement an obligation — выполнять обязательство

to impose an obligation on smb — налагать обязательство на кого-л.

to live up to obligation — выполнять обязательство

to meet an obligation — выполнять обязательство

to observe the obligations — соблюдать обязательства

to perform an obligation — выполнять обязательство

to pull back from one's obligations — отказываться от выполнения своих обязательств

to release smb from an obligation — освобождать кого-л. от обязательства

to shrink from one's obligations — уклоняться от своих обязательств

to undertake obligations — принимать на себя обязательства

to violate obligations — нарушать обязательства

to withdraw one's security obligations — отказываться от дальнейшей гарантии безопасности (какой-л. страны и т.д.)

obligations incumbent upon smbobligations vis-a-vis a friendly stateaccessory obligationadministrative obligationsallied obligationsarmy obligationcontractual obligationstreaty obligationscounterpart obligationsdebt-service obligationsexpress obligationsexternal obligationsfinancial obligationincurred obligationsinter-allied obligationsinternational obligationslegal obligationslong-term obligationmilitary obligationsmoral obligationmutual treaty obligationsprimary obligationreparation obligationsecurity obligationsshort-term obligationslaving obligationssolemn obligationstatutory obligationunliquidated obligationsbreach of obligationsdereliction of obligationsfulfilment of contractual obligationsobservance of contractual obligationsrespect for the obligations

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) обязательство; - repay an obligation - undertake obligations - assume obligations  2) обязанность; долг; to be under an obligation to smb. - быть в долгу перед кем-л.  3) принудительная сила, обязательность (закона, договора и т.п.); of obligation - обязательный  4) чувство признательности Syn: duty, function, office, responsibility Ant: right ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. обязанность; долг; обязательство obligation of conscience —- долг совести under (an) obligation to smb. —- обязанный кому-л., в долгу перед кем-л. I feel under obligation to you for all you've done —- я вам очень обязан за все, что вы сделали it was his obligation to return her favour —- он чувствовал себя обязанным ответить ей услугой за услугу he likes to repay all obligations —- он не любит оставаться в долгу 2. обязательство; соглашение; контракт contractual obligations —- договорные обязательства under (an) obligation —- обязанный, связанный (договором) to assume obligations —- брать на себя обязательства to lay smb. under an obligation, to put an obligation on smb. —- связать кого-л. обязательством to fulfil one's obligations —- выполнять (все) свои обязательства 3. юр. долговое обязательство; долговая расписка; (долговая) гарантия to discharge an obligation —- уплатить по обязательству to cancel an obligation —- отменять обязательсво 4. облигация 5. обязательность, принудительная сила (закона, договора) of obligation —- обязательный 6. благодарность; чувство благодарности ли признательности ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. обязательство, долг, обязанность (ответственность за выполнение какого-л. действия, выплату денежной суммы в надлежащий срок и т. п.) to feel an obligation — чувствовать себя обязанным to discharge fulfill, meet an obligation — выполнять, исполнять долг legal obligation — правовая обязанность moral obligation — моральный долг See: accumulated benefit obligation, projected benefit obligation, "general obligation bond, "moral obligation bond, obligate, obligator 2) фин., фр., нем. облигация (долговая ценная бумага) See: bond, security, "collateralized bond obligation, "collateralized debt obligation, "collateralized loan obligation, "collateralized mortgage obligation, "full faith-and-credit obligation 3) банк., фин., учет задолженность, долговое обязательство (любой вид задолженности) See: liability 4) юр. принудительная сила (закона, договора) OBLIGATION сущ. 1) обязательство, долг, обязанность 2) облигация 3) долговое обязательство 4) принудительная сила (закона, договора) • - assume an obligation - assume obligations - assumption of obligation - be under an obligation - binding obligation - bond of obligation - cancel an obligation - carry out obligations - collateralized mortgage obligation - contract an obligation - contract obligation - default on an obligation - deny obligations - direct obligation - discharge an obligation - enter into obligations - fulfil obligations - government obligation - impose an obligation on smb. - international obligations - long-term obligation - meet obligations - obligation of contract - obligation to pay - payment obligation - renounce obligations - short-term...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  обязательство, долг ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. 1 the constraining power of a law, precept, duty, contract, etc. 2 a duty; a burdensome task. 3 a binding agreement, esp. one enforceable under legal penalty; a written contract or bond. 4 a a service or benefit (repay an obligation). b indebtedness for this (be under an obligation). Phrases and idioms day of obligation Eccl. a day on which all are required to attend Mass or Communion. of obligation obligatory. Derivatives obligational adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L obligatio -onis (as OBLIGE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1. the action of obligating oneself to a course of action (as by a promise or vow)  2.  a. something (as a formal contract, a promise, or the demands of conscience or custom) that obligates one to a course of action  b. a debt security (as a mortgage or corporate bond)  c. a commitment (as by a government) to pay a particular sum of money; also an amount owed under such an ~ unable to meet its ~s, the company went into bankruptcy  3.  a. a condition or feeling of being obligated  b. a debt of gratitude  4. something one is bound to do ; duty, responsibility ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (obligations) 1. If you have an obligation to do something, it is your duty to do that thing. When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it... Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee’s recommendations. N-VAR: usu N to-inf 2. If you have an obligation to a person, it is your duty to look after them or protect their interests. The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens... I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client. = responsibility N-VAR: usu N to n 3. In advertisements, if a product or a service is available without obligation, you do not have to pay for that product or service until you have tried it and are satisfied with it. If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation?... PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a moral or legal duty to do something  (obligation to do sth)  (You can look at the books without any obligation to buy.)  (I have certain obligations to my family.) meet/fulfil an obligation (=do something that is your duty)  (Have the employers met their contractual obligations? | a sense of obligation (=feeling that you ought to do something))  (I helped you because I wanted to, not out of any sense of obligation.) 2 be under an obligation a) to have to do something because it is a legal or moral duty  (be under no obligation to do sth)  (We are invited but we are under no obligation to go. | place sb under an obligation)  (Signing a contract places you under a long-term obligation.) b) to owe someone loyalty, thanks, or money because they have done something for you  (I don't want to be under an obligation to anyone.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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